Leave a gift in your will

By leaving a bequest to Ambulance Wish Western Australia Inc. you are helping fulfil the final wishes of immobile, terminally ill West Australians. A charitable gift in your will is a wonderful thing to be remembered for. All bequests will be acknowledged on our supporters page.

Leaving a gift in your will

After providing for your family and friends, you may be considering how to support Ambulance Wish Western Australia.

By leaving a gift in your will to Ambulance Wish Western Australia you can be sure you will have left a lasting impression on this world. Whether it’s a few hundred dollars or thousands, every dollar will go to fulfilling final wishes for terminally ill West Australians.

Gifts can take many forms –

  • the residue or percentage of the Estate;
  • a specific amount of money;
  • a life insurance or superannuation policy;
  • assets such as shares, property, works of art or jewellery;
  • an investment in perpetuity.

You may wish to consult your solicitor, trustee company or the Public Trustee regarding the wording. Here is some suggested wording and details you may need.

I give [insert $ amount] OR [insert asset description] OR [insert percentage of the residue/whole of my estate] to Ambulance Wish Western Australia Inc. ABN 89 482 486 272 of PO Box 2312, Ellenbrook, WA 6069, for it to apply such bequest in accordance with its purposes. The receipt of the Treasurer, a Director or the Company Secretary of Ambulance Wish Western Australia Inc. for the time being is a sufficient discharge to my Executor in respect of the gift to Ambulance Wish Western Australia Inc. under this clause.
