Becoming a member of Ambulance Wish Western Australia is a special way of pledging your support to helping fulfil the last wishes of terminally ill West Australians.
Financial membership
If you are interested in keeping up to date with the work of Ambulance Wish Western Australia and want to take a more active role in helping us to fulfil last wishes for terminally ill West Australians, Financial Membership is for you!
As well as receiving all Ambulance Wish Western Australia’s communications and invitations to events, you’ll also be able to have a real say in the direction of Ambulance Wish Western Australia with voting rights to participate in annual general meetings, nominate for and vote in the annual elections for our Management Committee.
Your application for membership must be proposed and seconded by a financial member of Ambulance Wish Western Australia (we can arrange this if required), and membership costs $99 per annum.

Management Committee member
As a member of the Management Committee, you will have the opportunity to contribute to our purpose, vision and governance. In this volunteer role, you will bring your skills, experience and expertise to support the charity’s growth and development.
Members of the Management Committee should be strong communicators, have a genuine interest in wish fulfilment and palliative care, have emotional intelligence, integrity, actively contribute and have time to contribute.
Life membership
Life Membership is awarded by the Ambulance Wish Western Australia’s Management Committee in recognition of the extraordinary dedication and contribution of a member towards the advancement of the Ambulance Wish Western Australia’s mission over a significant period of time.
Life Members
Susie Wilson (Committee Member)
Gary Wilson (Committee Member)
Kim Peppiatt (Committee Member)
Mandy Morgan-Lewis (Committee Member)
Sarah Simpson (Committee Member)